lunes, 15 de enero de 2018

Investigation Third Unit of inquiry "Ancestral Plants"

Ecuadorian ancestral plants


Answer the following questions in your science notebook:

1.What is a limpia?
2. How do people make a limpia?
3. Why do people practice a limpia?
4. In your groups investigate the benefits of each plant. (check in the links below)
5. Prepare a short information with the benefits of each plant.(cardboard A4 with a picture of each plant)
6. Bring a sample of each plant.
7. Prepare a short exposition about your findings.

Watch the video and read the information you need.


Ancestral plants

Group 1
Menta,  ruda, jenjibre

Group 2
Manzanilla,  malva blanca

Group 3
Mático, hierbabuena,  

Group 4
hierbaluisa, boldo,  

Group 5

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